Twitter link | @DubhthaighO |
Bio | My research aims to bring a new analysis to the campaign for Catholic emancipation in the 1820s and repeal of the union in the 1830s. It will do so by analysing politics in County Monaghan, situated between Protestant Ulster and Catholic Ireland. The research aims to establish how nationalist movements contributed to a sense of ‘territoriality’ among Ulster Protestants in that they considered Ulster a political and cultural unit that needed defending from the Catholic south. It will investigate if and when a cultural frontier between north and south developed, even in the absence of a formal political border. Building on works from anthropology, geography and border studies, it seeks to identify cultural assertiveness among Monaghan Protestants and establish if a unique political and cultural identity based on geography emerged as a direct response to the growth in Catholic political consciousness. By comparing with areas further north and south, it will establish the extent to which Monaghan was used by respective political movements to defend their territory or penetrate a politically unexploited area. |
Keywords | {Ulster}; {frontiers}; {boundaries}; {popular politics}; {elections}; {sectarianism}; {culture}; {identity}; {nineteenth century}; {O’Connell}; {Repeal}; {Catholic emancipation}. |
Nickname | Patrick Barry Duffy |
Membership Type |
Education | PhD, History, Trinity College, Dublin, 2021-25 Masters of Studies, Modern British history, University of Oxford, 2020-21 – Merit BA, History and modern Irish, University College, Dublin, 2017-20 – First Class Honours |
Teaching | Teaching Assistant, Modern Europe, c. 1500-1800, power and culture, Trinity College, Dublin, 2022-24. Teaching Assistant, War and peace in modern Europe, 1900-present, Trinity College Dublin, 2022-24. |
Awards | Research Ireland – Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship, 2022-25 – Award number GOIPG/2022/641 Trinity College, Dublin – McDowell Memorial PhD Studentship, 2021-22 Lincoln College, Oxford – Kingsgate Graduate Accommodation Bursary, 2020-21 Lincoln College, Oxford –  Sloan-Robinson Foundation Master’s Award in the Humanities and Social Sciences, 2020-21 National University of Ireland – Mansion House Prize in Irish History, 2021 – awarded from highest achieving students in Irish history in the four constituent universities of the NUI University College, Dublin – T.D. Williams Medal, 2020-21 – first place in history in degree examinations University College, Dublin – Maureen Wall Memorial Medal – first place in history in second year examinations University College, Dublin – Patrick Semple Medal and Stage 2 Scholarship – awarded for high GPA in first year examinations |
Peer Reviewed Journals | ‘‘The Most Important Weapon in this Diplomatic War for National Union’: The Irish Free State and the Boundary Commission, 1923–25‘, Irish Studies in International Affairs, Vol. 35, No. 1 (2024), 1–27 |
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