Twitter link | @jmarshallmed |
Bio | Currently, I am the RHS Centenary Fellow at the Institute of Historical Research in London, and a final year PhD candidate in the School of Histories and Humanities, Trinity College Dublin, having previously obtained a BAJH and MA in History from DCU. |
Areas of expertise | My areas of expertise are lordship, the English conquest of Ireland, the March of Wales, and the relationship between the kings of England and the nobility. |
Keywords | {medieval} {Ireland} {English lordship} |
Nickname | John Marshall |
Membership Type |
Education | 2016-19 BAJH in DCU |
Consultancy work | I am currently an external reviewer for Past Tense Graduate Review of History, University of Toronto. As part of this role I review submitted papers relating to my expertise of medieval Ireland and its conquest, economy and settlement. |
Teaching | (October 2022–) Teacher of Irish History night course at Blackrock Further Education Institute, Dublin. (September 2021–); Teaching Assistant at Trinity College Dublin.
Outreach activities | (September 2022–) Occasional speaker for EIL Intercultural Learning. (September 2021–) Contributor to RTÉ Brainstorm |
Committees & Associations | Elected Early Career Member of the Royal Historical Society Member of The Royal Society of Antiquaries Ireland Member of the Forum for Medieval and Renaissance studies in Ireland Member of the Group for the Study of Irish Historic Settlement |
Awards | 2023–4: Awarded the 6-month RHS Centenary Fellowship, tenable at the Institute of Historical Research, London 2022–3: Awarded the highly competitive Cluff Memorial Studentship from Trinity College Dublin 2022–3: Awarded the Grace Lawless Lee Fund from Trinity College Dublin to support a research trip 2022: Awarded the Irish Legal History Society’s Student Bursary 2022: Awarded a travel grant from the Trinity Trust |
Other activities | International Research Papers ‘Inheritance recovery and the ambiguity of partition: the case of the Marshal inheritance, 1245–96’ at Thirteenth Century England XIX, Cambridge from 12–13 September 2022. ‘An Irish bishop, William Marshal, and the Pontiff in-between’ at Papacy and Periphery, c.1050-c.1300, University of St. Andrews (virtual) on 22 October 2021. ‘Enduring links: the partition of the Marshal transnational lordship, 1247’ at the Irish Conference of Medievalists (ICM) at Queens University Belfast (virtual) on 25 June 2021. |
Book Chapters |
Peer Reviewed Journals |
Reviews | Review of ‘Ireland and the Crusades’. Edited by Edward Coleman, Paul Duffy and Tadhg O’Keeffe (Dublin, 2022), in Studia Hibernica, 49 (2023), 176-8. |
Other | ‘The royal visit: what did Henry II do in Ireland 850 years ago?’, RTÉ Brainstorm (January 2022), ‘The partition of Ireland 774 years ago’, RTÉ Brainstorm (September 2021), ‘The remnants of William Marshal’s lordship in Leinster today’, History Ireland, 29:4 (July/August 2021). |
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Historical images on the website from the National Library of Ireland on The Commons | Flickr