Welcome to the IAPH members’ update.
The Historian, Heritage and Public History Workshop was held in the Ulster Museum, Belfast on 17 January. This was a joint IAPH and QUB event. The Museum was a really great setting for a very lively and successful event. Many thanks to Olwen Purdue and Paul Huddie for organizing the day and to William Blair for making the Ulster Museum available to us. We would also like to thank our speakers: Mark Adair, (BBCNI); William Blair, (Ulster Museum); Paddy Fitzgerald, (QUB and Ulster-American Folk Park); Prof Peter Gray, (QUB); Michael Hewitt, (Doubleband Films); Dr Janice Holmes, (Open University); and Paula McFetridge, (Kabosh Theatre Company). Carole Holohan has written a reflection on the event http://iaph.ie/2015/01/a-reflection-on-a-workshop-the-historian-heritage-and-public-history/
The Annual General Meeting of the IAPH will be held in the National Library of Ireland, Dublin on 15 April 2015 at 5.30pm.
Public Lecture: A public lecture will be held in the National Library of Ireland on 15 April 2015 at 7pm, following the AGM. Prof Peter Burke (Emeritus Professor of Cultural History, Emmanuel College, Cambridge) will give a talk entitled ‘Exiles and Expatriates in the History of Knowledge’. The response will be provided by Prof Raymond Gillespie, Maynooth University. http://iaph.ie/2015/02/public-lecture-15-april-2015/
Members News
Members who have recently published books:
- Sarah Campbell, Gerry Fitt and the SDLP: ‘In a minority of one’ (Manchester University Press, 2015)
- Conor Reidy, Criminal Irish Drunkards: the inebriate reformatory system 1900-1920 (Dublin: The History Press, January 2015).
Members who have passed a Phd viva:
- Ciaran McCabe, ‘Begging and alms-giving in urban Ireland, 1815-1850’ (Maynooth University)