Welcome to the first IAPH members’ update.
Directory: Already the Directory is working effectively. We have been contacted by publishers and by radio and television producers asking us to recommend experts in a very wide variety of fields.
Training event: We had a very successful ‘Historians and the Media’ training event in May. Thanks to all those who took part, particularly Yetti Redmond, Kevin Rafter and Lindsey Earner-Byrne for all the practical advice on broadcasting dos and don’ts.
The future: The committee is spending the summer drawing up the programme of events for the coming academic year. We are very grateful to members who have given us suggestions for future events or suggested roles which might be undertaken by the Association.
Summer drinks: We will be having drinks in Toners pub in Dublin on 5 August at 7.30pm in the downstairs function room (139 Lower Baggot St., Dublin 2). For more information click here.
History Ireland: Don’t forget that members get 10% discount for new subscriptions to ‘History Ireland’, ‘Books Ireland’ and ‘Archaeology Ireland’. Members should email info@iaph.ie to avail of this offer.
Members’ News
Members who have recently published books:
• Seán Beattie, Donegal in Transition: The Impact of the Congested Districts Board (Dublin: Irish Academic Press, 2014).
• Myles Dungan, Mr.Parnell’s Rottweiler: Censorship and the United Ireland Newspaper 1881-1891 (Dublin: Irish Academic Press, 2014).
• James Ryan, Lenin’s Terror. The Ideological Origins of Early Soviet State Violence (London and New York: Routledge, 2014, paperback edition).
• Patrick Walsh, The South Sea Bubble and Ireland: Money, Banking and Investment, 1690- 1721 (Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer, 2014).
Members who have won doctoral funding:
• Gerard Madden: Irish Research Council funding for ‘Irish Catholic Anti-Communism in the era of John Charles McQuaid, 1940-1971’, National University of Ireland, Galway.
Members who have been awarded a PhD:
• Paul Huddie, ‘Ireland and the Crimean War, 1854-6: a study of domestic response’ (Queen’s University, Belfast, 2014).
Members who got a new job:
• James Ryan has been appointed Lecturer in European History at Cardiff University.
Members who have won an award:
• John Cunningham who won the NUI Publication Prize in Irish History for Conquest and Land in Ireland: The Transplantation to Connacht, 1649-1680 (Royal Historical Society Studies in History, new series, lxxxii, 2011).