
Looking for Funding?

Every year the IAPH runs its Bursary Scheme. These bursaries are intended to support the Association’s members in their professional activities and may be used for a range of activities, such as:

  • attendance of conferences outside the island of Ireland
  • publication expenses
  • costs associated with research trips
  • professional development activities/training
  • conference organisation

Two bursaries, valued at €500 each, are be offered annually. The bursary should be used during the calendar year. To be eligible to apply, all you need is to be a paid-up member of the IAPH.

Next Bursary Scheme


Further details about the scheme, eligibility, and selection as well as the application form, can be downloaded here (in 2024).

Past Bursary Schemes and Winners

2023 (Susannah Deedigan & John Marshall)

2022 (Deirdre NĂ­ Chonghaile & Conor Heffernan)

2021 (SĂ­obhra Aiken & Ann Wilson)

2020 (Kerron O’Luain & Caitlin White)

2019 (Barry Houlihan; Irish History Students’ Association; West Cork History Festival; Richard McMahon & Niall Whelehan)*

*in that year four €250 bursaries were awarded


Ready to join us? Visit our membership page for details on how to set up your profile and
enter Ireland’s welcoming community of history professionals.